I'm really sorry for the very long delay in updating this blog. Last years I was very busy with my real life job. I released stuff in slower rate as well.
My releases as coder or graphician...
- Sgt. Helmet Zero - design and code and graphics by me, a ZX Spectrum conversion.
- Memento - a memory game of Skoro; design and graphics by me.
- Ghost Town - an old game recolored.
- Warrior of RAS Volume I - a Commodore 64 game converted to Commodore Plus/4
- Android 2 - another C64 game went to Plus/4
- Xplode Man - a Bomberman clone by Skoro; design and graphics by me.
- Pac-Pac - a Pacman clone by Skoro; design and graphics by me.
- Crackers' Demo V - I made a playable Arkanoid part into this demo. It is based on the original arcade version.
The AIT2 project is not abandoned. It's just a too large project for one coder/graphician, and it overwhelmed me so I put it aside for a while (ahem, 3 years...)
These days I started to develop a full version of Arkanoid. The demo version contains all 32 rounds with the full feature set (pickable bonuses, enemies, shooting, explosions, etc.) and the endgame boss in a simple animation on ending screen. The full game will feature these as well:
- Last round with boss battle. You have to hit Doh 16 times to destroy while trying to avoid its bullets.
- Scoring
- Hiscore
- Two players mode (if possible, perhaps I will run out of memory...)
Current state of last battle in a short video