September 12, 2011

Tile Editor is on its way

Last week I worked on an editor to draw characters, tiles, sprites. It is wery WIP yet, I can draw characters only, no save/load yet. This current editor is the 3rd revision of my earlier editors. This means I don't need to reinvent the wheels, lots of code can be taken from the older versions.
It will contain 3 tab pages:
  1. Character editor:
    You can edit all the 256 possible characters here. You also can see all the 256 characters in a larger table.
  2. Tile editor:
    You can edit 256 different tiles (from 2x2 to 4x4 sized. For AiT2, I need the 2x2). All tiles are composed from characters which you can edit on the 1st page.
  3. Room editor:
    You can edit rooms built up from tiles. For AiT2 I need 40x22 chars large rooms which are composed from 2x2 chars large tiles. This means a 20x11 tiles large tilemap. The tiles comes from the 2nd page.
Why do I develop a third version? I'm not 100% satisfied with the second version (1st does not exists, it was evolved to 2nd version). It is slow. My aim is to see the result of my editing "online" or "as soon as possible". That means if I slightly modify the character "A" I want to see its modifications not only on the "Character editor" page but on "Tileset Editor" page and in "Room Editor". The second version solved this probleam but redrawing the images on every change of any pixels made the whole thing slow.

Character editor in action


Luca/FIRE said...

Did you check CharPad on C64?

KiCHY said...

Sure, I were inspired by that but its features doesn't fit for me (and for AiT2) perfectly.

Luca/FIRE said...

Hence, this editor could became a great tool for the whole scene :o

KiCHY said...

Well, for a "public release" it sure needs some pimp-up and user-friendlyness but why not?