October 26, 2012

Back to digital life

Hi There,

I've been really busy in the summer months and I had almost no time to work on AIT2. I hope I can reheat the project and work on it regularly.

What happened in these months? I sent emails to several guys on C64 scene asking for help. Most of them were afraid of the unusual platform (C64 vs Plus/4), the others simply had no time for this project. The "funny" fact is that the graphics mode and its restrictions are the same (character screen, multicolor mode) on both computers.

Finally found a Plus/4 graphician who helps me to draw animations (I'm not so talented in small sprite animations). Thanx Chronos! :)

WIP versions of some sprites:

A blob
Rotating robot head

May 10, 2012

Screenshot Galore


I made several screenshots which you can reuse anywhere you want (at least some credits please).

Screens from a medieval world:
Use the crates, Luke!

Turrets and cannonballs


Spikes everywhere

More spikes

Screens from a natural scenery:
A flower...

...with a butterfly

The first coin

Use the jumpers in the cave to get out

Look for secret places even in the air

Nice stripes, eh?

Treasure awaits in "deep" of the cave

May 08, 2012


Here's another proof that I worked on AIT2 in last 4 months (in silence). I made various "engines" for different tasks: one of these is the Objects (or Actors, nevermind) engine which handles all kind of objects in a room: the switch, the pushable crates, and from now: turrets and bullets!

The turrets are - in fact - invisible objects which only spawn bullets in given position and direction. Those visible turrets built in the wall (lower video) are simple graphic elements of background.

Each turret has various properties in room definition: speed, shooting pattern (explain soon), shooting direction and bullet type.

Each shooting pattern is a byte (8 bits we know) and the turret rotates this pattern byte bitwise by a determined speed. 1 bit means "shoot" and 0 bit means "wait" in this pattern. So how it works:

For example, turret speed: 10, shooting pattern: "01100101".
1. The turret waits 10 times.
2. The turret checks bit #0, now that's "1". That means "shoot", so the AI of turret spawns a bullet and puts into the object list.
3. Rotate this pattern 1bit to the left, now the pattern is "10110010".
4. The turret waits another 10 times.
5. The turret check bit #0, now it's "0" so the turret does nothing.
6. Go back to step 1.

The bullets are really simple things. After they were created start moving to a given direction (not only left or right but up and down directions are also possible) until they collide with a wall then they disappear (future plans: instead of simple disappearing perhaps some kind of explosion, smoke, etc?)

April 30, 2012

Two new features


I finally finished the implementations of two features: slideable objects and switches (only from ON to OFF direction). I made a short video which show these two features.

I'm still experiencing YouTube video uploading features, this time I learnt putting annotations on video :)

April 27, 2012

Another video of gameplay


I made another video from a different world. Let's go medieval! :) The gameplay currently lacks enemies, swithes + doors, spikes can't hurt you and so on.

This time I tried to improve the video quality.

April 21, 2012

Early gameplay video


In last months I worked on AIT2 on and off. I made a short video of current state. You can watch it here:

I made this level for testing purposes (but its graphics will be used in final version, or else it'd be a waste).
A short feature list you can see in the clip:
- A butterfly for eyecandy (tests sprite-sprite collision, sprite-gamearea collision)
- Two tile types which slide you left/right - like when you stand on a conveyor belt. You can see it on very first room.
- Rotating coins as collectible items - it disappears from game world, won't reappear again when you enter the same room again.
- Hidden passages.
- Jumper platforms which make you jump higher.

January 09, 2012

Hello Followers,

Another post, another mockup...

This time it is about a Forest/Cave scene, plus a cute statusbar.

Entering the cave

Here comes the statusbar as a separated image.
The statusbar
The first row shows the static elements of the bar. When the player has 0-3 lives it shows little heads. Later when the player gets extra lives it changes to a different display because there are no rooms for 4+ little leads.

January 07, 2012

Overhauling the Cloud theme

Hi again,

I found some talent somewhere again and I used that to overhaul the cloud theme because I weren't satisfied with the old one.

I tried to play with color scheme as well and made 3 variants of the same scene.
The night in the clouds

It snows!

A terrible weather
The snow and rain will be animated (well, at least, that's the plan).